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Član broj: 51707
Poruke: 539

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...05.09.2006. u 13:37 - pre 216 meseci

If you have an occupation on this list a skill listed below, you may be eligible for sponsorship by the Victorian Government under the State/Territory Nominated Independent Visa.

Budite obazrivi ako vas viza vremenski veze da ostanete u mjestima van glavnog grada (pretpostavka da vecina zeli da ode u vece gradove) - koji su u unutrasnjosti.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 110404
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...07.09.2006. u 13:06 - pre 216 meseci
Postovani korisnici,
kao sto je lepo pisalo pre neku godinu na vratima australijske ambasade "dobro promislite pre nego sto platite taksu"
koja je iznosila 700eura to bi zaista svi trebalo to dobro da promisle...Australija godisnje izdaje 120 000 imigracionih viza ali
od tog broja 85 000 otpada na veliku Britaniju a ostatak na sve druge zemlje na svetu.Za svaku zemlju ponaosob vaze
posebna pravila (veoma vazno) i onaj ko se prijavi nije siguran da ce vizu i dobiti pa ma koliko racunao poene.
Te price o nekakvim deficitarnim zanimanjima ne vaze, svaki slucaj se odabrava posebno,i drzavljanima Srbije za imigracione vize priznaju se samo tehnicka zanimanja + da morate imati rodjake prvog ili drugog kolena (nepoviljnije) koji vec zive u Australiji i tamo ne primaju nikakvu vrstu socijalne pomoci , pa u tom slucaju imate 50% sanse da dobijete vizu...
hvala na prostoru....
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 51707
Poruke: 539

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...07.09.2006. u 13:59 - pre 216 meseci
zmajevac:... Te price o nekakvim deficitarnim zanimanjima ne vaze, svaki slucaj se odabrava posebno,i drzavljanima Srbije za imigracione vize priznaju se samo tehnicka zanimanja + da morate imati rodjake prvog ili drugog kolena (nepoviljnije) koji vec zive u Australiji i tamo ne primaju nikakvu vrstu socijalne pomoci , pa u tom slucaju imate 50% sanse da dobijete vizu...

Znaci oni koji su otisli na osnovu svojih radnih sposobnosti i na primjer, predaju jezike na faksu (spanski/francuski itd.) da se vrate kuci? :) Zvuce kao da su 'nepozeljni', a vec rade u Australiji, - a nisu dosli na osnovu rodjackih veza.

Slazem se da se svaki slucaj gleda za sebe, ali da se samo tehnicka zanimanja gledaju je cist b.s. Ako poslodavcu trebas, ili ako konkurises na faksu za odredjenu research poziciju - a trebas im - onda ce se naci nacin da se tamo nacrtas.

Ne moras da imas rodjake da bi dosao - ako si im potreban.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 110404
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...11.09.2006. u 15:06 - pre 215 meseci
Ne moras da imas rodjake da bi dosao - ako si im potreban.=potpuno netacno

Polagao sam IELTS test u British Councilu u Beogradu i video tamo ljude iz unutrasnjosti i to obrazovane ljude koji su trosili i novac i vreme i nerve nadajuci se da ce dobiti imigracionu vizu za Australiju i na kraju je i nisu dobili. samo su izgubili vreme
i nepotrebno se nadali , zato sto im niko nije rekao kako stvari zapravo stoje sa australijskom ambasadom i dobijanjem vize.
Postoji knjiga "Mozda Australija " Gordane Divjak- Arok i tu ima jako lepih tekstova o imigraciji u Australiju i kako je to kontrolisano i kako postoje javni zakoni(tipa nekakvih bodovnih lista i slicnih gluposti) i tajna pravila i uputstva po kojima se vize odobravaju i koji se ne publikuju ili ce biti publikovani za 100 godina.Hocu da kazem da postoje pravila koja vaze za ovu zemlju i u ovo vreme i onaj ko nece da gubi vreme neka se raspita i sazna na osnovu tudjih iskustava kakve su mu sanse
da dobije vizu i pod kojim uslovima SADA i OVDE...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 51707
Poruke: 539

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...11.09.2006. u 15:34 - pre 215 meseci
zmajevac: Ne moras da imas rodjake da bi dosao - ako si im potreban.=potpuno netacno

Na osnovu cega ovo tvrdis? Mislim da je u pitanju razlika u pristupu - U AU mozes da odes via skilled worker visa - znaci apliciras za vizu, na osnovu svog radnog iskustva/oblasti, i onda trazis posao; a takodje mozes da odes ako si aplicirao za posao i poslodavac odluci da te primi - samo sto imas garantovano radno mjesto, i onda na osnovu toga ponovo apliciras za skilled worker visa, samo sto je proces ubrzan. Takodje, mozes da apliciras za skilled worker visa, a da imas rodjake; za ostale varijante konsultuj se sa immi.

Polagao sam IELTS test u British Councilu u Beogradu i video tamo ljude iz unutrasnjosti i to obrazovane ljude koji su trosili i novac i vreme i nerve nadajuci se da ce dobiti imigracionu vizu za Australiju i na kraju je i nisu dobili. samo su izgubili vreme i nepotrebno se nadali , zato sto im niko nije rekao kako stvari zapravo stoje sa australijskom ambasadom i dobijanjem vize.

Zato sto im niko nije rekao ili zato sto se nisu raspitali za sebe? Ko ovdje preuzima odgovornost? Viza nikom nije garantovana. Bas me zanima tvoje razmisljanje o tome kako stvari zapravo stoje sa australijskom ambasadom i dobijanjem vize. Da li imas nesto sto bi svi trebali da znamo? Ozbiljno pitam, jer kad smo vec kod australijske ambasade, ima zaista zanimljivih pojedinosti.

Postoji knjiga "Mozda Australija " Gordane Divjak- Arok i tu ima jako lepih tekstova o imigraciji u Australiju i kako je to kontrolisano i kako postoje javni zakoni(tipa nekakvih bodovnih lista i slicnih gluposti) i tajna pravila i uputstva po kojima se vize odobravaju i koji se ne publikuju ili ce biti publikovani za 100 godina.Hocu da kazem da postoje pravila koja vaze za ovu zemlju i u ovo vreme i onaj ko nece da gubi vreme neka se raspita i sazna na osnovu tudjih iskustava kakve su mu sanse da dobije vizu i pod kojim uslovima SADA i OVDE...

Mislis na izdanja iz 1990./1999. godine? Gordanu sam vidjela koji mjesec prije nego sto su se definitivno vratili nazad, i dopunjavala je knjigu; spremala je novo izdanje; ne mislim da je jos uvijek objavljeno, ali vjerujem da ce biti bolja od prosle. Ima dosta istine u njenim knjigama; ali neke stvari nisu neophodne da spoznas kroz knjige niti kroz ambasadu - neke stvari ti se same kazu. Samo prelistaj procente pridoslica i iz kojih zemalja dolaze, pod kojim kategorijama; premotaj film na 'White Australia Policy', staru svega pola vijeka, prihvati da se novac pumpa nazad u UK; a tajne/uputstva... selektivno, bas kao i svugdje.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 110404
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...12.09.2006. u 09:39 - pre 215 meseci

skilled worker,hmm....
Ziveo sam 3 godine u Izraelu i tamo video i druzio se sa puno engleza , juznoafrikanaca i australijanaca i video da
oni nemaju neko posebno zanimanje vec da rade ono sto se na trzistu rada nudi. Dakle ne traze oni posao vec posao
trazi njih, i svi oni su radili i promenili puno poslova u zivotu.Situacija da se neko zaposli prvi i jedini put u zivotu i da ostane na istom poslu 35 godina je izuzetno retka , skoro nezamisliva .Pod pojmom "profesija" oni misle na advokate ili
knjigovodje a ne na varioca.Samo povezivanje dobijanja vize sa nekim zanimanjima je nekako ...nelogicno(neposteno), jer ko tamo ode
morace da se ponasa kao australijanci, znaci da radi ono sto se na trzistu rada nudi (sto prolazi) a ne sta se njemu svidja.
Radi se o tome da onaj ko pocne proceduru za vizu kao varilac(unskilled) je na kraju i dobije a onaj ko dodje kao profesor
muzike(skilled) bude odbijen iako ima profesiju.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 51707
Poruke: 539

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...12.09.2006. u 14:28 - pre 215 meseci
Ako gledas znacenje rijeci 'skilled' u smislu stepena kvalifikacije, tipa koju si skolu zavrsio i sl., onda je moguce da ti je cudno kako to da varilac dobije vizu, a profesor muzike dobije odbijenicu. Ali ako pogledas znacenje ponovo - skilled worker - AU trazi radnike (workers) koji ce da popune prazna radna mjesta. Ekonomija je dinamicna, fluidna, i danasnje shvatanje trzista - ponuda/potraznja je dosta drugacija od onog od prije tridesetak godina. Profesija? Moguca stvar. Karijera? Sta je u stvari karijera? Premotaj film dvadesetak godina unazad. Da se oslanjas na nekog da ti crta put, i da se pomjeras stepenicama - jer put je siguran; ali gdje zavrsavas? Sad se vrati u danasnjicu. Karijera - takodje moguca, ali ne u standardnom smislu. Sam odlucujes sta ces da uradis i gdje ces da radis - da li ces da radis za nekog ili da li zelis da radis za sebe. Da li je bolje stagnirati u jednoj poziciji kod jednog poslodavca citav zivot, ili mijenjati poslove u skladu sa usavrsavanjem u struci? Sam nacin na koji je ovo napisano takodje utice na reakciju. Moguce je raditi kod jednog poslodavca citav zivot, moguce je ostati u istoj poziciji ili mijenjati pozicije; sve ovo je moguce ako firma moze da vremenski opstane, i prezivi kroz uspone/padove. Pitanje je sta uraditi sa izborom? Da li ostati kod jednog poslodavca ili otici? Nikad nije bilo vise izbora nego sada.

Sta je onda skilled worker? Neko ko je vican/vjest/sposoban, zar ne?
E sad, drugo pitanje - da li ti treba radnik koji je dobar u svom poslu? Naravno - ako ima posla. :) Zavisi samo gdje se nudi(geografski).

Citat: da oni nemaju neko posebno zanimanje vec da rade ono sto se na trzistu rada nudi.

Pa ok. Neki ljudi ne zavrse nijedan zanat niti skolu, i opet mogu da nadju posao. I to je sasvim moguce. Sto se tice nekog posebnog zanimanja, zar i majstor/zanatlija nije posebno zanimanje? Ako mi ode masina za ves, meni je dobar majstor koji zna svoj posao (popravljanje masine za ves) vazniji od nekog knjigovodje. Zasto? Zato sto mi treba da popravi masinu za ves. Da li je to posebno zanimanje? Meni jeste, jer ne znam da popravim masinu za ves. :))

Definicija 'skilled worker' koju nudi ambasada mozda zvuci nelogicno, dokle god je ne procitas u kontekstu, sa drugim stvarima koje se traze.

Da li Australiji trebaju advokati i knjigovodje - da; ali pravo je drugacije, kao i knjigovodstvo. Da li ce da zaposle nekog advokata ili knjigovodju iz Srbije, u Australiji; - hoce, ali ako im ovi dokazu da imaju kvalifikacije/radnu sposobnost, koja zadovoljava kriterije; i samo ako vec neko ima prazno radno mjesto, i poslodavac uspije da dokaze da niko drugi ne moze da obavlja takav posao u Australiji; pa moraju da dovode nekog iz Srbije.

Da li Australiji trebaju varioci? Da. Evo primjer, ogromni projekti na sjeveru Zapadne Australije. Samo, nece svako da radi na vrucinchini od 40+, i (velikoj) vlaznosti vazduha; a sunce pece. Jos kad ljeto dodje, posebna prica.

Zaboravi raniju seriju pridoslica sa tih prostora; sto politicke izbjeglice/posljeratne/ekonomske izbjeglice; sto izbjeglice iz ovih najnovijih ratova; svaki vremenski period ima svoju caku.

zmajevac: Samo povezivanje dobijanja vize sa nekim zanimanjima je nekako ...nelogicno(neposteno), jer ko tamo ode morace da se ponasa kao australijanci, znaci da radi ono sto se na trzistu rada nudi (sto prolazi) a ne sta se njemu svidja. Radi se o tome da onaj ko pocne proceduru za vizu kao varilac(unskilled) je na kraju i dobije a onaj ko dodje kao profesor muzike(skilled) bude odbijen iako ima profesiju.

Nelogicno? Neposteno? Australija kao zemlja gleda to iz ovakvog ugla: radnik kad radi placa porez i taj novac ide u drzavni kofer. Nezaposlena osoba prima socijalno, i automatski - odliv novca. Da li bi ti doveo nekog ko ce ti donijeti priliv novca, ili nekog ko ce ti biti na teretu? Nelogicno i neposteno jer si eventualno dobio odbijenicu, ali logicno i posteno ako ispunjavas uslove koje je drzava postavila.

...jer ko tamo ode morace da se ponasa kao australijanci, znaci da radi ono sto se na trzistu rada nudi (sto prolazi) a ne sta se njemu svidja.

Niko ne mora da radi nista. Zasto ljudi rade? Neko cisto da prezivi, nego uziva u poslu (a to im isto donosi priliv novca); znacenje rada je drugacije za svaku osobu. Raditi nesto sto se nekom svidja? Pa moze i to. Samo, zavisi sta se radi, zar ne? Da li se izlezavas na plazi 24/7/365, ili radis u rudniku 24/7/365? Svrha ovog prvog - valjda izlezavanje/ljencarenje; svrha ovog drugog - imas neki cilj ako radis?

Zar nije isplativije da ti se svidja ono sto radis, nego da radis ono sto ti se svidja?

Neko ko ode morace da se ponasa kao australijanci? Hm. Nadji mi tipicnu AU osobu. :)

Tehnicki, australijanci su oni koji imaju AU drzavljanstvo. Sta ces da radis zavisi iskljucivo od TEBE. Ne moras da radis ono sto se nudi na trzistu rada ako ti se ne svidja; ovim pretpostavljam da mislis da je neophodno da osoba radi ZA nekog. Zasto ne raditi za sebe? Ovo govorim tek nakon sto dobijes taj izbor, tj. odobrena viza, i dvije/tri/pet godina koje prodju prije nego sto dobijes drzavljanstvo. Prije toga mozda nemas izbor, jer ako si zavrsio za nastavnika istorije, onda nema zasto da se cudis - upitaj se - da li Australiji trebaju nastavnici istorije? Trebaju, ali ne S/CG/Hr/itd.

Ako si desperado za vizu, i nemas nikakvu drugu sansu, uvijek mozes da se ozenis zbog papirologije; big deal. Samo sto su sada stroziji i po tom pitanju; a pogledaj da li ti se emocionalno/vremenski/finansijski isplati.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 75366
Poruke: 94

+1 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...17.09.2006. u 15:37 - pre 215 meseci
kod prekookeanskih zemalja je dobro sto lepo iz Srbije mozes da sredis odmah vizu, radnu dozvolu, sto cete neumitno kroz pet godina dovesti do drzavljanstva. Lose je sto ako ne mozes da sakupis bodove mozes da se slikas, mada je meni to sve malo sumnjivo.

U EU ipak mozes i da se prosvercujes ali na drzavljanstvo ZABORAVI.
Tu verras, tu te reconnaitras !
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...23.09.2006. u 21:20 - pre 215 meseci

The Federal Government has a special skilled migration program to encourage skilled migrants to come to Australia. This program targets people who are highly skilled, are under 45 years of age, have a high level of English language ability and who will quickly make a contribution to the Australian economy.

To make a valid application, applicants or their spouses must be able to satisfy essential criteria. TAFE NSW Institutes offer many courses which can be used to support an application for skilled migration.

When you study with TAFE NSW institutes you make a very wise investment in your future. Depending on your personal situation, you may choose to work while you are in Australia.

International students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during the course semester and full-time during their vacation. After enrolling in TAFE NSW, you may apply to the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA) for a Student Visa with Permission to Work (form 157P).

Download the form from

Bring the form to the ISC or the International Student Coordinator at your college to sign, and then send it to DIMA for approval.
Australia is proud of its multicultural heritage and values the contributions that skilled migrants make to our way of life.

[Ovu poruku je menjao zraj dana 25.09.2006. u 21:34 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...24.09.2006. u 07:57 - pre 215 meseci

About this Visa

The purpose of this visa is to encourage overseas students to apply for permanent residency after they have completed their course studies in Australia.

This visa uses a points test to select visa applicants with characteristics needed in the Australian labour market. You will need to meet the applicable passmark for a visa to be granted.
Applicants for this visa do not require sponsorship.

Who is this visa for?
This visa is for you if you are an overseas student who:
- is under 45 years of age
- has completed an eligible qualification(s) as a result of at least two (2) years full-time study in Australia
- has the skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and their nominated occupation is classified as either:

o a 60 point occupation
o a 50 point occupation if the overseas student has completed a PhD in Australia.

The SOL is a list of skilled occupations that are in need in Australia. Each occupation listed on the SOL is allocated a points value for use in the visa assessment process.

See: Form 1121i Skilled Occupation List (SOL), Sydney and Selected Areas Skill Shortage List (SSASSL), and Employer -omination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL) (132KB PDF file)

This visa has a points test and there are other requirements that must be met.

See: Applicant Eligibility

How much does this visa cost?
You must pay the relevant visa application charge when you lodge your visa application.

See: Professionals and Other Skilled Migrants

What does this visa let me do?

This visa allows you and any dependent family members included in your visa application to live as permanent residents in Australia.

Australian permanent residents can:
- live and work in Australia on a permanent basis
- study in Australia at school or university
- receive subsidised healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
- access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods)
- be eligible for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria)
- sponsor people for permanent residence.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...25.09.2006. u 13:35 - pre 215 meseci
General skilled migration

For General Skilled Migration to Australia, you or your spouse must be able to satisfy the following basic requirements:

You must be under 45 when you apply.

English language
You must have sufficient ability in the English language for working in Australia. This is known as 'vocational English'.
A higher level of English is required for certain occupations where English ability forms part of the skills assessment.
A lower level of English is required in:
* the Skilled-Designated Area Sponsored categories
* the Skill Matching visa category

You are encouraged to have your English language ability tested before you apply.

You must have post-secondary (such as university or trade) qualifications (in a small number of occupations substantial relevant work experience may be acceptable) and your skills must have been assessed by relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation.

Nominated occupation
When you apply, you must nominate a skilled occupation which fits your skills and qualifications. You nominated occupation must be on the Skilled Occupations List. (see

Note: If your nominated occupation is not on the SOL you cannot apply.

Recent work experience
This requirement is separate to the need to have your skills assessed as suitable for your nominated occupation before you apply.

If your nominated occupation is worth 60 points, you must provide evidence that you have been in paid employment in a skilled occupation for at least 12 of the 18 months immediately before applying.

If your nominated occupation is worth 40-50 points, you must provide evidence that you have been in paid employment in a skilled occupation for at least 2 of the 3 years immediately before applying.

For certain occupations a longer period of specific work experience is required to obtain a suitable skills assessment. (eg.Manager)

In the Skill Matching or Skilled -Designated Area Sponsored categories you may be eligible with less work experience.

Australian qualification exemption - You do not need to meet the work experience requirement if you meet the 2 years study in Australia requirement less than 6 months before lodging your visa application.

Employer Sponsored Migration

There are 4 categories for employer sponsored migration to Australia:
* Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)
* Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)
* Labour Agreements (LA)
* Regional Headquarters (RHQ) Agreements

These programs are employer driven. The first 3 enable Australian employers to recruit highly skilled workers, either from overseas or from people temporarily in Australia, where an employer has been unable to fill their recruitment needs from the Australian labour market or through their own training efforts. The fourth program (RHQ), enables employers (who have an approved RHQ) to transfer 'key' employees of their company who are essential in establishing their regional headquarters in Australia.

The nominee can apply in Australia or outside Australia.

Important: If the nominee is applying in Australia, they must hold a visa with permission to work, and :
* be a temporary resident (except holders of temporary visas - diplomatic, domestic workers, expatriate, and retirement); or
* hold a working holiday visa; or
* hold a student visa granted in relation to an award course at diploma level or above, completed by the applicant (except students studying or training under the Subsidised Overseas Student Programme); or
* hold a refugee or humanitarian visa, including a Sri Lankan visa or citizens of former Yugoslavia visa granted after 1 September 1994, permitting temporary residence of a total period of more than one year.

English Language Requirements
In most cases nominee must have a 'vocational' or 'functional' level of English.

Qualification assessment
The nominee's qualification must be assessed if:
* registration, licensing or membership of a professional body is mandatory in the proposed field of employment; or
* the trade occupation is covered by the Tradesmen's Rights Regulations Act (TRAA) or is a designated non-TRAA trade.

If the nominee is not sure whether the nominated occupation falls into one of these categories, they should check with their employer. The DIMIA Business Centre or DIMIA office where the nominee proposes to lodge their application can provide information of this subject, including details on the assessing body, forms to complete and information on the costs involved.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...25.09.2006. u 14:38 - pre 215 meseci

Job Search Club
Student World - Job Search Club helps overseas travellers studying in Australia on a Student or Working Holiday Visa find casual or temporary work.

The Student World - Job Search Club is a unique partnership between Travellers at Work and Student World. Our focus is to find suitable "Student Friendly" jobs for our members. All these jobs are either casual, temporary or part time.

Some of the types of jobs we offer are:
· Picking and Packing
· Night Fill / Supermarkets
· Waiter / Waitress
· Kitchen Hand
· Coffee Maker / Barista
· Farm work / Fruit Picking
· Hotel Work / Cleaning
· Au Pair / Nanny

We offer students two Job Search Club membership options.
Both options have great benefits and help guide you down the right path to finding work

Silver Membership
Silver Membership provides the following benefits:
· Exclusive access to Job Search Club "members only" jobs
· Daily job alerts of new jobs as soon as they are advertised
· Personal and secure online resume stored on TAW Website for employers to view
· Exclusive use of TAW "Members Only" job search computer lab
· Free Tax and Superannuation refund consultation
· Special TAW Membership Card
· $10 off training courses such as RSA or Coffee Courses
· 3 months membership $49.00
· 12 months membership $99.00
Gold Membership
Gold Membership provides all the benefits of Silver membership plus the following benefits:
· Your own personal employment consultant
· Guidance with your resume
· One on one pre-employment interview discussing potential work opportunities and the best job options for you
· Arrangement of job interviews
· Assistance with applying for a tax file number
· Assistance with setting up a bank account
· $10 off training courses such as RSA or Coffee Courses

Gold Membership is only available to students who have an intermediate level of English.
· 12 months membership $165.00

· The length of employment, the number of hours per week and the days or times per week will depend upon your study commitments and the type of job offered, and will comply with the work conditions that apply to your visa. If you are on a WORKING HOLIDAY VISA you can work for up to 12 weeks (3 months) with any ONE employer. If you are on a STUDENT VISA, you may work up to 20 hours per week.
· Most jobs offered will be located in the Sydney metropolitan area, with the exception of fruit picking and rural work, which will be available in regional areas and subject to seasonal availability.
· You will be liable for all transportation costs to the location of employment.

· Neither Student World, your Educational Provider or any job placement agency used by us will be held responsible for any loss or damage caused either accidentally or intentionally by any student during or subsequent to any job placement.
· You agree to accept full responsibility for any such loss or damage caused by you.
· You acknowledge that you are not an employee of Student World, your Educational Provider or any job placement agency used by the college.
· This contract is between the applicant and TAWX and any disputes must be settled between the two parties.
· Student world acts as a sales agent for TAWC and is not responsible for contractual obligations.

Cancellation and Refund Policy
· No refund is available once you have lodged your completed application form and receive your membership card.

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Član broj: 114658
Poruke: 1


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...28.09.2006. u 12:38 - pre 215 meseci
Cao drustvo . Evo se i zakacih na forumui sasvim slucajno-posao da vidim sto se desava sa problemima u vezi satelitskih receivera a zavrsio na imigracionu temu. Naime, ja sam zeljan da podjem za Australiju i puno vremena i energije sam potrosio ispitujuci po net-u kako sakupiti famoznih 120 poena i odleceti daleko.problem se javlja kada ljudi zele da nostrifikuju diplomu preko neta i registruju se u udruzenje svog profila koje se nalazi u australiji jer se u suprotnom ne boduje za imigraciju. Druga stvar je poznavanje engleskog jezika. Treba da se ima na IELTS testu minimum 5-ce iz sva cetiri ispitna dijela (pisanje, citanje, slusanje,prevodjenje) a taj test se polaze u beogradu par puta godisnje. Ako neko ima slucajno informciju kako se najlakse polaze nadam se da ce se javiti. Znam samo da pravi materijal za polaganje se moze koristiti u biblioteci british councila. P.S. bez ieltsa nema se sto govoriti o odlasku vani bez finih para :)
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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...30.09.2006. u 12:41 - pre 215 meseci

Jobs for hairdressers in many parts of Australia are in high demand, hence the reason why they are currently on Australia’s Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL). Australian Migration Associates (AMA) are highly experienced in assessing, submitting and managing visa applications on behalf of clients with either formal qualifications in hairdressing or those without formal qualifications who learnt their trade on-the-job in a hairdressing salon.

Australia has a long list of “Occupations in Demand” which is reviewed every 6 months. Hairdressers are in great demand at the present time so now is the best time to make an application. Some states, such as South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia, are even willing to sponsor visa applications from skilled hairdressers, due to the current shortage of such skills in their states.


If you are currently employed as a butcher, there may be excellent job prospects for you in Australia in your trade. The trade of Butcher is included on Australia’s Skilled Occupations List (SOL), which is published by the Australian Government and generally means that there is an overall need for butchers across the whole of Australia.

Job prospects for skilled butchers are excellent at the moment and we at Australian Migration Associates Ltd are currently handling applications for a number of clients who are qualified butchers either with formal City & Guilds/NVQ qualifications or without any formal qualifications at all.

The Australian Government operates stringent points tested criteria and it is possible for Butchers under 30 years of age, to be able to ‘pass’ this in their own right. For those Butchers over 30 years of age and under 45 years, there are other visa options provided they have close relatives living in Australia or they can obtain sponsorship from one of the State Governments s in Australia. State sponsorship would provide the option to apply for those Butchers who are not able to pass the points test in their own right. If you have close relatives living permanently in Australia, they can sponsor you which can give you extra points towards your points score.

You may well be required if you work in Australia as a butcher, to be registered or licensed with the State where you intend to work.

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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...30.09.2006. u 13:39 - pre 215 meseci


IELTS: 10 Mistakes You Must Avoid

The process of studying for IELTS can be overwhelming. It always is of great importance to one’s future and the stakes are usually high. Among countless rules of IELTS it is easy to loose focus and begin drifting in the wrong direction, especially when you have nobody to guide you. This is the reason why people don’t receive the score they really deserve. Here are the top 10 mistakes IELTS candidates make.

Give more answers than necessary
As I have already mentioned in one of the previous articles, instructions are there for a reason. If they say “give one answer” or “answer in 3 words”, this is exactly what the examiners will be looking for, and if they find two answers or four words – points are lost forever.

Write answers in the booklet, not on the Answer Sheet
Of course, writing answers on the booklet margins looks more natural then having to copy them to some special Answer Sheet. Well, surprise – the only answers IELTS examiners count are those copied to the Answer Sheet. Every answer written on booklet margins only scores zero.

Lose track of time
During Reading and Writing sections it is candidates’ responsibility to manage their own time. No one will tell you to stop working on the current task and to move forward to the next one. So, in worst case scenario, you could spend all the time working on just one passage, when there are 3 more to go.

Waste a lot of time on one hard question
All IELTS questions are of different difficulty. It is wrong to assume that every next question will be harder than the previous one. This is why getting stuck on one hard question is a bad idea. By moving forward to some easier questions you could win points, which otherwise would be lost.

Read the whole passage first in Reading section
Those passages are not meant to be read. It is enough to scan through the text, noticing what the text is about and what the purpose of each paragraph is. After getting familiar with the passage, it is the time to read questions and look for answers.

Assume they know the answer
There is an old saying “Assumptions are the mother of all mess-ups”. Many people walk right into this trap, by reading the question and assuming that they already know the answer from their experience or general knowledge. What a mistake! The answer is what is written in the passage and not what comes first to your mind. If, for example, the question is “Does smoking cause cancer” and your mind says ”Yes” but the passage says “No”, then “No” is the correct answer.

Copy the task in Writing section
Let me list reasons why this would be a mistake. First, instructions forbid this. Second, you don’t get any points for it. Third, it wastes precious time you could use writing something meaningful.

Not checking the answers
It is only human to make mistakes and there is nothing wrong in admitting it. This is a good enough reason to check and double-check your answers if there is time left.

Trying to impress the examiner
What usually happens when a person starts trying to impress the examiner is usually the opposite. Be the best you can at your level, don’t try to claim a higher level you are not at. Don’t start trying to use super complex sentences or big smart words (without being sure what they mean).

Answering with “Yes” or “No”
When examiner is asking you a question, it is not the answer he is after. His goal is to make you speak. As for you, every chance to speak is an opportunity to show how fluent your English is. Answering with “Yes” or “No” ruins every chance of good grade.

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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...26.05.2007. u 06:50 - pre 207 meseci

PAID, skilled work and 900 hours industry experience: Opportunities and
support are available.

Mackintosh College, Gold Coast, Australia :

Two year courses on the SKILLS SHORTAGE list

* Diploma of Hospitality Management (with Cookery)
* Diploma in Business (Marketing) (with Hairdressing)
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Član broj: 148654
Poruke: 5


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...14.06.2007. u 21:08 - pre 206 meseci
Stvarno sam ocajna,radim kao med.sestra 7 god a pokusavam da dobijem 7 na ieltsu-academic vec tri godine.Horor.
Imala sam silne prof. i nista ni makac od 6.Znas li mozda neki drugi nacin kako da udjem u Australiju bez tog ispita/
hvala UNAPRED.
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Član broj: 109012
Poruke: 213

ICQ: 390566111

+1 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...17.06.2007. u 23:29 - pre 206 meseci
Koliko ja znam, bez tog ispita, šanse su ti ravne nuli.
Ako želiš u Australiju, moraš položiti minimum 7, mada i sa njom ćeš teško otići.
Sretno u budućnosti.
Knjigovođstvo "KMV"
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Član broj: 148654
Poruke: 5


icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...19.06.2007. u 19:54 - pre 206 meseci
Hvala Pipsi!

Bas si me utesila! Zasto mislis da je sa 7 na academicu i zanimanjem med.sestre tesko emigrirati u Australiju?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Australija - skilled workers...29.07.2007. u 07:23 - pre 205 meseci

102,500 Skilled Visas are to be granted by June 2008. The Australian economy is growing quickly and 200,000 jobs are advertised every week.
Skilled workers are the lifeblood of the Australian economy. Many business experience difficulty finding skilled candidates from Australia's domestic labour force.
The Business Sponsored 457 Visa scheme allows Australian businesses to bring an employee to Australia from overseas.

Australian Trucking Industry Investigates Skills ShortageMonday, 18 June 2007The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Kevin Andrews has announced the launch of an industry working group to investigate and provide recommendations on the Australian trucking industry skills shortage.

Following meetings with members of the industry, a trucking industry working group who are experts in their field will advise the government on the appropriateness for 457 visas to be made available within the trucking industry.

‘The working group will provide advice as to the development of appropriate standards and benchmarks for the trucking industry before the government will consider any further the granting of temporary skilled visas (457s) to the industry’, Mr Andrews said.

Specific areas of the industry which will be assessed include mechanics, panel repair, trailer construction and repair, suspension systems, automotive computer control systems, warehouse handling systems and equipment, logistics management and driving.The working group will also assess and provide feedback on the suitable qualification, skill and level of experience required for each of the employment areas.

‘It is important to ensure that issues such as entry level qualifications, skills and experience required within the trucking industry and current and future training initiatives of Australian workers are not compromised or diminished by the possible introduction of 457 visas’, Mr Andrews said.The group will also focus on such issues as remuneration levels, OH&S, English language requirements and the need for Australian knowledge.Members, who have been drawn from across the industry, include:· Mr Ian Johnson - Monash University · Mr Bruce Grubb - Scott Group of Companies · Mr Mark Crosdale - Transport Workers Union · Mr Ari Suss - Linfox · Mr Ivan Backman - Australian Logistics Council · Mr Neil Gow - Australian Trucking Association · Mr Damian McFarlane - Australian Trucking Association

The group is to expected to report findings of their investigation by late 2007.The 457 scheme, which allows employers to hire skilled foreign workers temporarily, is very popular with businesses and the government to address critical skills shortages in Australia.

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