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Google are pussies

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Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Google are pussies07.08.2011. u 14:51 - pre 156 meseci
you are in a fight with companies that are equally big, probably better run, and have something you don't: scars, scars from real battles, and you run to the PR teams and the lobbyists and the government and cry: no fair.

Google are pussies
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Milan Adamov
Adamov Konsultacije d.o.o.
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 21939
Poruke: 4415


+138 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies07.08.2011. u 22:36 - pre 156 meseci

 Certified Trainer Mojave 101 macOS Support Essentials 10.14
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Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies07.08.2011. u 22:55 - pre 156 meseci
Na koga to kuka Google? O čemu se radi?
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
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Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12851

+4785 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies07.08.2011. u 22:58 - pre 156 meseci
Ucestvovali su na aukciji, ne secam se da li za kupovinu patenata ili firme koja poseduje neke bitne patente. Google je izgubio i sad koristi svoje pravo da se ljuti.
Odgovor na temu

Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies07.08.2011. u 23:06 - pre 156 meseci
Because Larry and Sergey, unlike Ballmer, Jobs, Gates and so many other tech rock stars -- who had to fight battles, win wars and hack their way through to a new world -- you went from high school to college to PhD to billionaire to multi billionaire.

Čekaj, ovde je neko kriv što se prvo školovao, pa obogatio? Šta to koga boli uvo? O čemu ovaj cepe?
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
Odgovor na temu

Milan Adamov
Adamov Konsultacije d.o.o.
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 21939
Poruke: 4415


+138 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies08.08.2011. u 09:16 - pre 156 meseci
Shadowed: Ucestvovali su na aukciji, ne secam se da li za kupovinu patenata ili firme koja poseduje neke bitne patente. Google je izgubio i sad koristi svoje pravo da se ljuti.

Licitiralo se za kupovinu Nortelovog (koji sadrži i neke bitne Novellove patente, ako sam dobro razumeo) portfolia patenata, Microsoft ih zvao da zajedno sa njima, Oracleom, Appleom i još nekim neimenovanim firmama, kupe portfolio i time onemoguće da se isti koristi protiv njih ukoliko patent trollovi poput Lodsys-a nekako dođu u posed portfolia. Google odbio ponudu, licitirao, izgubio i sada plače kao ∏čka (sve u skladu sa iznosom jedne od svojih ponuda B) ).

 Certified Trainer Mojave 101 macOS Support Essentials 10.14
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Član broj: 202103
Poruke: 113

+6 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies08.08.2011. u 09:25 - pre 156 meseci
Evo ovde lepo objasnjeno sta je u pitanju.,news-12081.html
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4218
Poruke: 1994

ICQ: 82327428

+10 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies08.08.2011. u 22:25 - pre 156 meseci
madamov: Licitiralo se za kupovinu Nortelovog (koji sadrži i neke bitne Novellove patente, ako sam dobro razumeo) portfolia patenata, Microsoft ih zvao da zajedno sa njima, Oracleom, Appleom i još nekim neimenovanim firmama, kupe portfolio i time onemoguće da se isti koristi protiv njih ukoliko patent trollovi poput Lodsys-a nekako dođu u posed portfolia. Google odbio ponudu, licitirao, izgubio i sada plače kao ∏čka (sve u skladu sa iznosom jedne od svojih ponuda B) ).

Sta je ovo, jos jedan apple fanboy? :)
Anyway, ako bas pricamo o patent trollovima, trollovci su bas Apple/MS/IBM etc. (mada i google nije bas puno daleko).

Licencovati i patentirati svakakve tehnicke gluposti kao 1-Click je dokaz da standart tehnickih patenta je JADAN, pogotovo u USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) :(
A trollovi obicno i tuze ostale za koristcenje glupavih patenta, a to nisu samo firme kao "lodsys" nego i apple, MS, oracle etc...

[Ovu poruku je menjao CONFIQ dana 08.08.2011. u 23:45 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Milan Adamov
Adamov Konsultacije d.o.o.
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 21939
Poruke: 4415


+138 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 08:08 - pre 156 meseci
CONFIQ: Sta je ovo, jos jedan apple fanboy? :)

Vrlo argumentovan početak odgovora moram priznati, Google fanboyu. B)

Anyway, ako bas pricamo o patent trollovima, trollovci su bas Apple/MS/IBM etc. (mada i google nije bas puno daleko).

Patentni sistem jeste glup i treba ga menjati, ali trolovi ne mogu biti firme koje ipak proizvode nešto što koristi određene patente, ovo je bio odličan način da se bar deo ne tako naivnih patenata stavi u zaejdničko vlasništvo konkurenata. Google nije hteo, izgubio licitaciju, i sada plače kao ∏čka. Što je licitaro ako misli da je patentni sistem loš?

 Certified Trainer Mojave 101 macOS Support Essentials 10.14
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 11:57 - pre 156 meseci
sto ste napali madamova ako je istina da je google pozvan da zajedno s njima ucestvuje i deli patente?
sta, da je google uspeo da nadlicitira prozor,polovicnu jabuku i prorocanstvo, onda bi bilo sve ok?

strip je xtra :DD

cak je i doticni priznao
If you think about it, it's obvious why we turned down Microsoft’s offer

zato sto je hteo da samo google ima te patente...
Odgovor na temu

Goran Dukić

Član broj: 1491
Poruke: 981


+8 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 13:34 - pre 156 meseci
Ne bi bilo na odmet da pročitate tekst iz linka koji je dao Nozzlezator.

Naturally Drummond responded.

"It's not surprising that Microsoft would want to divert attention by pushing a false "gotcha!" while failing to address the substance of the issues we raised," he said. "If you think about it, it's obvious why we turned down Microsoft’s offer. Microsoft's objective has been to keep from Google and Android device-makers any patents that might be used to defend against their attacks. A joint acquisition of the Novell patents that gave all parties a license would have eliminated any protection these patents could offer to Android against attacks from Microsoft and its bidding partners. Making sure that we would be unable to assert these patents to defend Android — and having us pay for the privilege — must have seemed like an ingenious strategy to them. We didn't fall for it. "
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 13:59 - pre 156 meseci
nije mi najjasnije,ako svi imaju jednak udel u tim patentima (sto su nudili gugi), kako ovi drugi mogu da miniraju google?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12851

+4785 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 14:32 - pre 156 meseci
Pa, sta tu nije jasno? Pera, Laza i Mika kupili patent i ne daju Ziki da ga koristi (ili verovatnije - traze mu pare da bi koristio).
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 15:00 - pre 156 meseci
to je jasno, nego google tvrdi da ne bi bilo dobro da su pored pere laze mike i ziku ubacili, jer onda zika ne bi imao "zastitu"?!?
to mi nije jasno
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12851

+4785 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 15:20 - pre 156 meseci
Pa, Zika, tj. Google je hteo sam da kupi i tako se zastiti od svih njih. Zato je i odbio da se udruze. Zato je i izvisio :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4218
Poruke: 1994

ICQ: 82327428

+10 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies09.08.2011. u 22:39 - pre 156 meseci
Horvat: to je jasno, nego google tvrdi da ne bi bilo dobro da su pored pere laze mike i ziku ubacili, jer onda zika ne bi imao "zastitu"?!?
to mi nije jasno

Hmm, zamisli ovako - Pera, Laza, Mika (MS/Apple/RIM) je svako pojedinacno jaci od Zike (Google & OEMs). Zika hteo da kupi novo oruzije kako bi mogao "kontra-napadom" da plasi svoje protivnike sto se to nikom nije svidelo.
Zika svakako placa Peri zato sto je jaci od njega, Zika zeli da ojaca kao Pera i Laza... a ako žika deli novo oružje sa ostalima, ovi će i dalje da ga tuku starim oružjem

U realnom svetu, MS/Apple tuze ostale OEMe (Samsung/Motorolla/HTC etc) zato sto su jaci i mogu, i vide android kao strah sa razlogom. Udruzenje njihovih snaga je najbolja opcija za njih.
Nije da se oni bas nesto vole, da je MS imao priliku da se udruzi sa Google protiv Apple/RIM to bi oni uradili, sve je to prosti biznis.

Ono sto meni najvise smeta jesu software-ski patenti zato sto zbog svih ovih ogromnih igrica ja kao potrosac najvise patim, mojim novcanikom.
Hebanih 4.5 milijardi dolara za glupave patente. Nadam se da je ovo samo neki "patent-bubble" koji ce da prodje, svi cemo da zaradimo ovim :)

Citat koji mi se svideo:
Even if Microsoft maintained licensing rights to the patents, a Google win would ensure that it would be a lot harder to sue Android and its OEM partners for other patent infringements. So it sure looks like Microsoft teamed up with longtime enemy Apple to ensure victory.

[Ovu poruku je menjao CONFIQ dana 10.08.2011. u 00:28 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 41095
Poruke: 325

+94 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies13.08.2011. u 06:14 - pre 155 meseci
With Google, There Will Be Bad Blood
MG Siegler


“I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed.”

I’m reminded of Daniel Plainview’s admission in There Will Be Blood when thinking about Google.

While the company is still largely beloved by the public, sentiment seems to have turned against them amongst their peers, and even amongst many of the startups around Silicon Valley. While these tensions have been building for months — and even years, in some cases — we’re seeing this on display more clearly than ever now thanks to the patent issue(s).

But why? Why is Google now a villain to many in the industry? I don’t believe it’s because they’re evil, I believe it simply relates to the Plainview quote. Increasingly, Google is trying to do everything. And they have the arrogance to think that they can. And it’s pissing people off.

“Microsoft and Apple have always been at each other’s throats, so when they get into bed together you have to start wondering what’s going on,” Google Chief Legal Officer, David Drummond, wrote this week when accusing those two companies of trying to destroy Android. And he’s right. After decade of being bitter rivals, Apple and Microsoft now seem to have aligned interests. But you don’t have to wonder what’s going on, it’s very apparent: they both hate Google.

The two recently teamed up to screw Google out of the Nortel patents, spending billions to make that happen. And before that, they attempted to do the same with the Novell patents (though the DoJ blunted some of that attack). Next up for the dynamic duo: the InterDigital patents. Apple is definitely exploring acquiring them, and don’t be surprised if Microsoft is right there to help once again, to ensure Google doesn’t get them.

All of this is even more interesting when you consider that it was once Apple and Google who were closely aligned. And it was a common vision that brought them together as well — appropriately, the end of the Microsoft-dominated computing world.

The two got so close, that Google then-CEO Eric Schmidt even joined Apple’s board of directors. And Google was instrumental in helping create some of the early applications for the iPhone (Maps, YouTube, etc). It seemed like the two would team up to take down the carriers next.

Then things got very complicated when it became clear that Android and the iPhone would soon become very direct competitors. The rest has been history.

But while Apple and Microsoft have been the two highest profile Google combatants in recent months, they’re far from the only ones.

At least just as big of a Google antagonist (and perhaps even more so) is Oracle. While the Apple and Microsoft lawsuits against Android threaten to disrupt the platform and/or make it more expensive, Oracle’s lawsuit threatens to destroy it. Oracle is suing Google over the unlicensed use of Java in Android — its core.

If one of two damning emails are allowed to be used as evidence, it sure looks like Google could be in some serious trouble. Those emails appear to extend the idea of Google’s arrogance. As Android chief Andy Rubin wrote in a 2005 email, “If Sun doesn’t want to work with us, we have two options: 1) Abandon our work and adopt MSFT CLR VM and C# language – or – 2) Do Java anyway and defend our decision, perhaps making enemies along the way.”

They obviously chose the latter. And while Sun is no more, Oracle now controls the rights to Java. A very big enemy has been made along the way.

The list continues from there.

Facebook and Google have long been at odds with one another. Now, with Google+ giving Google a significant presence in Facebook’s social game for the first time, tensions are higher than they’ve ever been. While the two sides have been fighting publicly, behind the scenes, it’s worse. This is true even though many of Facebook’s employees are former Google employees. Facebook’s alliances with Microsoft can’t help matters either.

For a long time, Yahoo was Google’s most direct rival. You might think that after Google quickly dominated them in search, there would be peace now. Nope. Yahoo also has no love for Google still to this day. When Microsoft was attempting to buy Yahoo a few years ago, Google was seen as one potential savior. And they almost were, until the DoJ began looking into a potential Yahoo/Google search partnership and Google had to back out. Instead, Yahoo was forced to tie up with Microsoft.

These days, you’ll hear Yahoos complain behind the scenes that Google often just takes ideas they implemented first but never caught on because Google is the dominant player in the space.

Amazon and Google are also increasingly at odds with one another. Amazon is about to enter the tablet space in a big way later this year — and they’ll be doing so with their own flavor of Android. They also have a competing Android app store. And while this may seem like Amazon entering Google’s space, remember that Google went after Amazon first. While Google hasn’t really be able to compete in the cloud storage and services businesses so far, it hasn’t been for a lack of trying.

Out of any of the larger entities in the space these days, is seems like Twitter and Google should have interests that align the most. Like Facebook, many of Twitter’s employees are ex-Google. And while a search deal a couple years ago seemed to pull the two close together, that deal has since expired, and there is no sign it’s going to ever be renewed.

Google has tried to buy Twitter a few times, and Twitter has backed away each time, most recently leaving billions on the table. And while both sides say fairly complimentary things about each other in public still, behind the scenes, again, it’s not good. Many Twitter employees flat out don’t trust Google. And Google+ has exacerbated that situation.

Speaking of failed Google acquisitions, after Google tried and failed to buy Yelp and Groupon, they moved forward on products that competed directly with them. In the process, Yelp has felt Google was actively screwing them in search results. Bad blood galore now.

On the smaller startup side of things, both Color and Path turned down massive acquisition offers from Google. Part of it was because the startups wanted to remain independent, but a large part was also that neither groups of employees wanted to work for Google. Naturally, Google has since been working on products that compete with both — not only Google+, but also mobile apps created through Google’s Slide division.

The list goes on and on. At this point, it would be easier to list tech companies that are completely friendly with Google — because there aren’t many. Again, most won’t speak out publicly about this — partially because Google is still one of the largest acquirers out there and not everyone is Twitter, Color, Path, Groupon, or Yelp, that will turn down hundreds of millions or billions — but if you talk to individuals that work at other companies, it becomes very clear very quickly that there is not a lot of love for Google out there anymore.

In my view, this stems from Google’s desire to do everything — which could threaten the company for other reasons. Once just a search company, they now actively compete with Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Yelp, Groupon, Color, Path — again, just to rattle off a few.

Obviously, it’s Google’s right to do what they think is best for the company. And certainly they have the money to take on all of these different projects. But the alienation of other companies — many of which were former allies — isn’t helping them. And if any of these Android lawsuits — bulls*it (heh, forumski softver ne dozvoljava ovu reč)or not — go through, or if they fail to eventually obtain the patents necessary to protect themselves, Google could find themselves in serious trouble. And if that happens, will anyone be around to lend them a hand?

At this point, I think there will be more companies waiting to kick them when they’re down.

Increasingly, this is the reality bubbling just under the surface: others in the space look at Google and see nothing worth liking. They see an enemy. As Plainview says to his own son at one point, “this makes you my… competitor.”
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
Poruke: 2325


+75 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies15.08.2011. u 13:32 - pre 155 meseci

Mislim da su krenuli da se naoruzavaju patentima :)
Odgovor na temu

Goran Dukić

Član broj: 1491
Poruke: 981


+8 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies15.08.2011. u 15:04 - pre 155 meseci
O, da!

Biće fajta, opasnog fajta.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4218
Poruke: 1994

ICQ: 82327428

+10 Profil

icon Re: Google are pussies15.08.2011. u 15:18 - pre 155 meseci

ovo postaje zanimljivo :)
Prikačeni fajlovi
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